Being Present (online): 1st module: “Start Where You Are” 2025. – posebna promotivna ponuda u siječnju!

Pozivamo vas na novi ciklus mindfulness edukacije “Being Present”!

Radionica koja je ujedno i prvi susret tečaja “Start Where You Are” edukacije “Being Present” održat će se u utorak 04.02.2025., online od 17:00 – 19:30h. 

Na tom susretu uvoda u mindfulness (pomnost; svjesnu prisutnost) naučite kako prakticirati mindfulness meditaciju i upoznajte razmišljanje i teoriju mindfunlness praksi. Cijena za ovu radionicu je  €45 .

Tečaj “Start Where You Are” je ujedno i prvi četverotjedni modul edukacije “Being Present”.

Svaki modul je 4-tjedni online interaktivni tečaj, 2.5h tjedno: 10 sati nastave. Cijena za svaki modul iznosi 195€., a posebna promocija traje tijekom siječnja – ukoliko se prijavite za modul 1 prije 31.siječnja cijena za prvi modul iznosit će 165 € (195 € za svaki od daljnjih modula – module 2 i 3).

Tečaj se održava na engleskom jeziku, uz mogućnost povremenog prijevoda po potrebi tijekom poduke. Svi pisani materijali i audio snimke su također na engleskom jeziku.

Termini modula “Start Where You Are”:

Utorkom 17:00 – 19:30h

1. tjedan: 04.02. (Uvodna radionica – nakon radionice, odlučujete želite li nastaviti pohađati tečaj “Start Where You Are”)

2. tjedan: 11.02.

3. tjedan: 18.02.

4. tjedan: 25.02.


Čitava edukacija “Being Present” sastoji se od ukupno 4 modula:

Modul 1: “Start Where You Are” 

Modul 2: “Staying Focussed”– početak 04.03.2025; 11.03.2025; 18.03.2025; 25.03.2025

Modul 3: “Self Acceptance” – početak 01.04.2025; 08.04.2025; 15.04.2025; 22.04.2025

Modul 4: “Overcoming Obstacles” početak 29.04.2025; 06.05.2025; 13.05.2025; 20.05.2025

Po završetku 1. modula “Start Where You Are”,  odlučujete želite li dovršiti edukaciju “Being Present” kroz ostala 3 modula.


Završena edukacija “Being Present” preduvjet je za daljnje pohađanje edukacije za učitelja mindfulnessa, “Teaching Skills”.

Upite i prijave pošaljite na email: [email protected] ili popunite obrazac za prijavu.

Udruga zadržava pravo odgode početka tečaja dok se ne okupi grupa. Broj polaznika je ograničen.


(naslovna fotografija: Nina Martić)


Detaljne informacije o tečaju kao i odgovore na često postavljena pitanja možete pronaći u nastavku teksta na engleskom jeziku:

Everything we experience is through our mind, and as we can change our mind, we can potentially change anything. Is there something you would like to change your mind about ?

Perhaps ….

….. something about your job?

….. worries and concerns ?

….. how you feel and think about yourself?

….. your motivation to do something?

….. about a friend or relative

….. something that you think is holding you back?

Mindfulness is a state of mind in which we are less reactive to our thoughts and emotions as they arise, and more able to choose responses and actions. And as our mind is involved in everything we do, practising mindfulness allows us to develop new ways of responding to thoughts and feelings about anything. We can respond in a new or different way.

Over time, through practicing mindfulness, habits of thinking and reacting which may not always serve us well, can be transformed into more positive and behaviour and more hopeful ways of being. And we can find ease, relief, and a greater sense of peace and well-being.  Life still presents us with as many difficulties and challenges…. but we are different, and we can deal with them in better, more positive ways.

Learning to be more mindful is simple and straightforward, although like many things in life, it requires practice. It is not a ‘quick fix’ to problems, rather a different way of responding to our life experiences.


Mindfulness Hrvatska teaches and promotes the practice of mindfulness. You can learn to practice mindfulness by joining “Start Where You Are”, a 4 week online course, of 2.5 hours each week. 

”Start Where You Are” is the 1st module of “Being Present” (Level 1) course.

After “Start Where You Are”,  you may wish to participate in 3 further modules, and in doing so, complete our ‘Being Present’ (Level 1) mindfulness course and deepen your understanding and practice of mindfulness.

Completion of the “Being Present” course is a prerequisite to continue our Mindfulness MBLC Teacher Training “Teaching Skills”.

Session 1 workshop of ‘Start Where You Are’,  is an introduction to practicing mindfulness. The fee for Week 1 workshop is €45. If after Week 1 workshop, you decide that the course is not for you, then you can leave with no further commitment. Or you may choose to continue to complete ‘Start Where You Are’ and participate in the remaining 3 weeks/sessions.

If you would like to join ‘Start Where You Are’, please send an email to [email protected] or complete our online registration form. Please get in touch if you have any questions or need more information


“Being Present” course has 4 modules:

Module 1: “Start Where You Are”  – Introduction to mindfulness: learn how to practice mindfulness meditation and explore the thinking and theory behind practices.

Module 2: “Staying Focussed” – How we can deal with mind wandering and distraction.

Module 3: “Self Acceptance” is about self-kindness and working with our inner voice

Module 4: “Overcoming Obstacles” uses a model called ‘Undercurrent and Observer’ to understand and work with our mind.

Each Module is a 4 week online interactive course, of 2.5 hours each week: 10 hours of live teaching.

We offer Week 1 of “Start Where You Are” as a standalone session workshop, after which you can decide to enroll in the course.

Course includes:

– Live teaching, including short talks, discussions, activities, sharing, and group mindfulness practice

– A handbook/manual (PDF)

– Audio files to stream or download of tutor-led mindfulness practices

– Home/personal mindfulness practices and activities

– Online and email tutor support

– Course completion certificate


The tutors are David McMurtry and Helena Cuculić. Both are qualified and experienced teachers of mindfulness. The course and all materials are in English, however during teaching there will be translation into Croatian when required.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to only join Week 1 of “Start Where You Are” and to decide if I wish to continue the course?

Yes. Week 1 of ‘Start Where You Are’  is an introduction to mindfulness. The fee for Week 1 session is €45.

If you choose to continue to complete the Module 1 “Start Where You Are” the price of the initial workshop session is deducted from full module price and rest of payment for full module price is made to enroll and complete Module 1. (Full Module 1 fee – Week 1 workshop fee €45)

“Who can join this course / workshop?”

“Start Where You Are” is for anyone interested in mindfulness.

“Is this an online course? 

Yes, the course is (currently), only online.

“Is this course available in Croatian?”

At the moment the course “Being Present” and all 4 education modules are available only in English. Help during the course is available, however the course delivery and all materials (audio files and course manuals) are in English.

“Will I get a course completion certificate?”

You will receive a Module 1 “Start Where You Are” completion certificate if you attend all 4 weeks/sessions of the course.  You will receive the “Being Present” Level 1 course completion certificate after completing all 4 modules. Completion of “Being Present” is a prerequisite to attend our Mindfulness MBLC Teacher Training (“Teaching Skills”)

About Mindfulness Hrvatska

Mindfulness Hrvatska is an NGO, registered in Zagreb, Croatia in 2018. Our mission is to teach and promote the practice of secular mindfulness throughout and beyond Croatia, including training mindfulness teachers. Since our formation, several hundred people have participated in our courses and events, both in-person and online. We are franchisee of the UK Mindfulness Association.


Previous participants have said:

“The course was very valuable to me because it was exactly what I needed in life and it was great knowing I was at the right place doing something I and people around me will benefit from”.

“I thought about what I learned, I did different meditations often, I tried to incorporate it into my life, I basically started living Mindfulness. …I felt a sense of belonging to a group of like-minded people and I love being a part of the Mindfulness community”.

“I really enjoyed being a part of this group of people… you really did a great job facilitating the course throughout the year“.

Really helpful, for improving my own meditation skills and use it in every day life like an investment in the quality of life in general.


(photography: Nina Martić)


Feb 04 2025 - May 20 2025


17:00 - 19:30

