MBLC - 8 week course / Tečaj mindfulnessa za svakodnevni život
Tečaj Mindfulnessa za svakodnevni život (MBLC) je 8-tjedni program, u ponudi na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku. /
MBLC (Mindfulness Based Living Course) is an 8-week introduction to mindfulness practice. Ideal for beginners.
Being present - Level 1
This course explores core mindfulness practices and the underpinning thinking and theory. It is ideal for people who have completed the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Living Course (MBLC), but open for beginners, too. The course results in a completion certificate which is the prerequisite for our mindfulness teacher training pathway.
teacher traning: TEACHING SKILLS Weekends - Stage 1
Teaching Skills is the first stage of mindfulness teacher training for those who completed "Being Present" and wish to teach the MBLC. This involves participation in two teaching skills training weekends.. At each weekend, mindfulness practices and teaching skills are modeled, explained and discussed.
Teacher training: Teaching skills Retreat - Stage 2
Level 2 Teaching Skills is run in partnership with Mindfulness Association Polska and involves a 5-day mindfulness teaching skills retreat.

Responding with compassion - Level 2
‘Responding with Compassion’ enables participants to develop their mindfulness practice by training in compassion. It is ideal for those who have completed the Level 1 ‘Being Present’ Mindfulness Course and who wish to continue to develop their mindfulness practice so as to hold inner experience with warmth and kindness.
‘Mindful Communication’ is open to all to anyone who wishes to develop their communication. Being online, we welcome and anticipate an international group of participants. For participants with no prior experience of mindfulness we offer a pre-course intensive introduction. For some participants the primary interest may be developing communication skills to enhance communication in a community, work, professional or family environment. Situations and contexts where mindful communication can make a significant
positive difference.
Retreats, seminars, workshops / Radionice, seminari
We also offer workshops, seminars and retreats. They can be tailored to your needs, please contact us if interested in collaboration.
Mindfulness events / Mindfulness događaji
Several times through the year we organize mindfulness events: Day of Mindfulness or Mindfulness Evening (Večer mindfulnessa). It is open for anyone who wish to experience and try mindfulness practices.